
Online Shopping Safety Tips for a Happy Holiday

The holidays are right around the corner, which means the country is gearing up for shopping sprees and a surge of online purchases. Shopping online definitely has its benefits. You don’t have to deal with the crowds, and with a lot of companies, the shipping is free! But with a high alert for internet security, how do you know if you are practicing good online safety skills? This time of year, smart shopping isn’t just about finding the best deal. You also need to make sure your information is protected.  Following these online shopping safety tips can help keep your personal information safe—no matter where you shop.

Use Your Cards Wisely

Credit and debit cards make purchasing so easy, but you do have to use them wisely.  If you’re using a Federated Bank debit card, one way to protect yourself is to use CardValet.  With CardValet, you set limits on how your debit card can be used.  (Previous blogs provide more details about CardValet and a case study showing how it works.) You can also protect yourself by keeping an eye on the charges that are being made on your credit and debit cards.  Reviewing your bank and credit card statements each month will help you spot any fraudulent charges.  Credit cards typically secure your account with fraud protection. Any false purchases can usually be reversed when you notify your credit card company.

Get an Online-Only Card

For extra security, you might consider designating one credit card for all your online shopping. That way, you only have to cancel that one account if anything is compromised. Making other important payments (like for groceries, car insurance, or your auto-load Starbucks account) won’t be affected if you need to put a hold on your “shopping” card. It would still be inconvenient, but not nearly as much as having everything in your life tied to the same account.

Check References and Reviews

Whether you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind gift on an auction website or someone’s personal website, you need to do your research. Being able to read reviews of the seller is key for online safety. These types of websites are great for finding unique presents, but it’s important to remember the risks. Does the seller have a low rating for packaging or a history of shipping late? If so, you might be better off spending your money elsewhere.

Shop on Secure Networks

Public wi-fi is great in a pinch, but your online shopping should really be done at home. Shopping where you know your internet access is private is your best bet for security. Using hotspots can make your accounts vulnerable to other users on the network. They might be able to access your login or credit card details without you even realizing it. When in doubt, hold off until you know you’ve got secure, password-protected internet access.

Educate Your Family

Last but not least, remember to educate your family members. Some e-mail phishing scams can be extra-tricky. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, these targeted breaches can be hard to spot. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers to be skeptical about any messages that ask you to confirm financial or personal information. No one wants to get caught off-guard around the holidays. A gentle reminder about online safety and shopping can help keep the holidays happy and focused on the important things.

At Federated Bank, your safety is important to us too. If you have any concerns or questions about your cards or about CardValet, our team would be happy to meet with you to discuss the safety options available to you.  Come in anytime or give us a call to let us know how we can help.

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