
Save on Summer Cooling Costs with These Small Changes

By Cindy Cabbage

As the breezy days of spring melt into the balmy days of summer, you may notice that your energy costs are on the rise.  Air conditioners are notorious for consuming large amounts of energy so when the weather turns hot, cooling bills will increase.  Few of us are ready to turn off the air conditioner completely. However, there are some steps you can take to reduce your summer cooling costs, such as the 5 listed below.

Create Some Shade

A major source of heat within your home is caused by sunlight.  Light coming through the windows will heat up your house in a hurry.  On the other hand, this problem is easily solved by installing shades on your windows.  Awnings, shades, or window films will all work to keep the light and the heat out.

Green Up Your Exterior

One way to shade your house is with vegetation.  Planting trees is a great way to provide shade for your house, but it takes time for trees to grow.  Shrubs are another option that can provide relief right away.  Planting tall shrubs in front of windows will block the sunlight from heating up your home.  Shrubs that give shade to your air conditioner can also reduce cooling costs for your home.

Reduce Humidity

Sometimes it isn’t just the air temperature that makes us feel hot.  Humidity in the air can cause us to feel more uncomfortable.  While you can’t control the humidity outside, you can set up a dehumidifier to remove moisture from your indoor air.  This easy step can help you tolerate the heat without running your air conditioner at its maximum capacity.  For added comfort, you should also utilize fans to keep the air moving.

Be Smart with Appliance Use

Heat can also be created inside through the use of appliances.  When the weather is mild, this added heat is barely noticeable, but on hot days it really makes a difference.  Try to limit the use of heat-emitting appliances, such as dryers and ovens.  Instead of baking dinner, grill out instead.

Tune Up Your Air Conditioner

Finally, you’ll want to make sure that your air conditioner is running efficiently. You should have it inspected and tuned up at the beginning of summer.  If your unit is old, it might be cost-effective to have it replaced with a new, more energy-efficient model.

For the next few months, central Illinois will be in a battle to beat the heat.  Unfortunately, the primary weapon to fight this battle (your air conditioner) is expensive to operate.  These simple steps will keep you on the winning side without busting your budget.

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